1. Just add keywords of the news topics that interest you on fews notifications menu and when they match the news featured on the app, you’ll receive a push notification!
2. From tech blogs to local news, sports, economy and lifestyle content, fews is your essential daily news app!
3. It features the best local news sources, from more than 25 countries, in their original language.
ダウンロード Fews 日本 わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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をインストールする Fews 日本, サードパーティのアプリが現在インストールソースとして有効になっていることを確認する必要があります。 [メニュー]> [設定]> [セキュリティ]> []をクリックし、[不明なソース]をオンにして、Google Playストア以外のソースからアプリをインストールできるようにします。
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Fews 日本 があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
*** READ THE BEST LOCAL NEWS SOURCES FROM MORE THAN 25 COUNTRIES! *** Fews is much more than a simple RSS reader. It features the best local news sources, from more than 25 countries, in their original language. From tech blogs to local news, sports, economy and lifestyle content, fews is your essential daily news app! You can also change to HTML view and read it directly from the sources websites. With Fews you can have the world's headlines literally at the touch of a finger. Our globe view is a great way to have a quick look on what’s happening in the world by seeing what the foreign press is writing. Moreover, the notification alerts provided by the app are a powerful and personalized way for you to get the news you want. Just add keywords of the news topics that interest you on fews notifications menu and when they match the news featured on the app, you’ll receive a push notification! Main features: - 1500 news feeds from 500 different sources using RSS feeder; - 25 different countries with news feeds in their original language; - 5 categories of feeds: general news, sports, economy, lifestyle and technology; - Filters by category and by news source; - Text RSS or HTML view of the feed; - Globe view with the most important news in each country; - Fully customized notification alerts (push notifications) by using keywords; - Font size customization; - E-mail sharing features;
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