Dododex: ARK Survival Evolved

Android 用の Dododex: ARK Survival Evolved


1. Dododex provides a comprehensive and frequently-updated guide for every creature in ARK: Survival Evolved, including taming calculations, kibble and saddle recipes, stats, timers, knock-out information for any weapon, as well as original tips and crowdsourced data from thousands of ARK players. - List of dropped items and gathering efficiency ratings for every creature from 300,000+ Dododex users.

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新着情報 Dododex: ARK Survival Evolved v2.5.3

  • 発売日: 2023-12-31
  • 現在のバージョン: 2.5.3
  • ファイルサイズ: 40.24 MB
  • 開発者: Dan Leveille
  • 互換性: iOSが必要です 8.0 以降 or Android KitKat 4.4, Lollipop 5.0, Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0, Oreo 8.0, Android P 9.0 or later

Elevate your ARK: Survival Evolved game with the Dododex taming calculator and companion app used by over 10 million ARK players. Dododex provides a comprehensive and frequently-updated guide for every creature in ARK: Survival Evolved, including taming calculations, kibble and saddle recipes, stats, timers, knock-out information for any weapon, as well as original tips and crowdsourced data from thousands of ARK players. FEATURES - Taming calculator and guide for every dinosaur in ARK: Survival Evolved - Player tips on taming, battling, and utilizing every ARK creature - Kibble recipes and flow chart - Saddle recipes - Breeding timers - Knock-out details for each creature and weapon, including custom weapons - Stat calculator - List of dropped items and gathering efficiency ratings for every creature from 300,000+ Dododex users. - Breeding times and egg incubation temperatures - Starve timer for starve taming - Torpor timer - Recipes & dyes - Find out which creatures are carryable by flyers - Base creature stats and rankings - Taming multipliers for unofficial ARK: Survival Evolved servers - Admin commands and cheats - Maps - Access the official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki directly from the app - Details on Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Genesis, Fjordur and all DLCs! - PLUS: Dino stickers for iMessage! Details on new creatures are added as soon as information becomes available in ARK: Survival Evolved. "A must-have app for any ARK: Survival Evolved player — new or veteran." —Proof187, App Store Review "Best taming calculator out there" —Troy Richards, App Store Review Have a feature request? Share it here: Dododex is an unofficial ARK: Survival Evolved app.

アプリ レビュー

  • によって AKIRA☆26

    Error reporting エラー報告

    I don't see the required number of anesthetics. Please correct it. Argentavis and Brontosaurus, etc. Google翻訳なのでおかしな文があるかもしれません。内容は複数の生物で麻酔薬の必要数が表示されなくなっているエラー報告です。 アルゲンタヴィスなどの重要キャラの必要数が分からず困るのでお願いします。

  • によって 戦国海老


    このアプリはとてもいいですけど、英語ではなく日本語にしてほしいです。 運営さんお願いします!

  • によって レックス好き

    すごくいいけど... it's very good...

    ほぼ完璧で素晴らしいアプリだと思います。 しかし野生の恐竜のレベルアップ時のステータス上昇が変です。 修正お願いします。 そうすれば星5です! 下は英語バージョンです Below is the English version I think it's an almost perfect and wonderful app. However, the status increased is strange. please correct it. Then you get 5 stars!

  • によって lortasu



のようなアプリ - Dododex: ARK Survival Evolved

Dan Leveille によるアンドロイドアプリ