1. Kathy Rain is a beautiful and nostalgic homage to the classic point-and-click adventure genre of games, built seamlessly for your touchscreen device.
2. After learning of her grandfather’s untimely passing, Kathy Rain, a strong-willed journalism student, returns to her hometown for the first time in many years to pay her respects — but things are not what they seem.
3. An air of mystery surrounds the circumstances of Joseph Rain’s death, involving unsolved investigations and disturbing behavior from the locals, driving Kathy to vow to uncover the truth for her widowed grandmother.
4. An homage to timeless point-and-click adventure games like King’s Quest with beautiful hand-drawn pixel art design, complete with classic 4:3 resolution.
ダウンロード Kathy Rain わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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Sometimes coming home brings more questions than answers… ----- Kathy Rain is a beautiful and nostalgic homage to the classic point-and-click adventure genre of games, built seamlessly for your touchscreen device. Search for clues and solve puzzles in a compelling small-town drama set in the mid-1990’s. After learning of her grandfather’s untimely passing, Kathy Rain, a strong-willed journalism student, returns to her hometown for the first time in many years to pay her respects — but things are not what they seem. An air of mystery surrounds the circumstances of Joseph Rain’s death, involving unsolved investigations and disturbing behavior from the locals, driving Kathy to vow to uncover the truth for her widowed grandmother. As she follows a trail of clues he left behind, questions emerge… What was Joseph Rain really looking for that night all those years ago? What turned him into a mere shell of a man, confined to a wheelchair? What secret did a suicidal young artist take with her to the grave, and why are so many people in Conwell Springs going mad? Armed with her motorcycle, a pack of smokes, and her sharp wit, Kathy soon discovers that the truth is more dark and sinister than she ever imagined… ----- CLASSIC NOSTALGIC GAMEPLAY An homage to timeless point-and-click adventure games like King’s Quest with beautiful hand-drawn pixel art design, complete with classic 4:3 resolution. UNCOVER THE MYSTERY Use your keen intuition to discover clues, piece together evidence, and connect the dots in a mysteriously compelling narrative set in a small-town backdrop in the mid 90’s. CINEMATIC PRESENTATION Immerse yourself in a sublime original music score and over 4,000 lines of English dialogue, voice directed by Dave Gilbert of Wadjet Games. Kathy Rain is developed by Clifftop Games and published by Raw Fury.
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