1. This unique micro-adaptive learning approach uses proven, big data-driven algorithms to adjust in real-time to the unique needs of each learner.
2. The meticulously produced material is presented in the most advanced learning setting available today; Real Adaptive Learning.
3. The Adaptive Learning Platform is an eLearning delivery system that adjusts to the needs of each learner.
4. Adaptive Learning recreates the optimal teaching approach of a one-on-one personal tutor.
5. To achieve this, TrackMan has partnered with publisher giant McGRawHill's brainchild behind it; Area9 Learning.
6. Using a teaching-by-asking (formative assessment) approach, Area9's system and TrackMan's content potentially cuts training time in half.
7. Through our certification programs, you’ll build expert knowledge and develop critical skill sets needed for career advancement in golf today.
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TrackMan University があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
UNDERSTAND BALL FLIGHT LAWS THROUGH ADAPTIVE LEARNING Build and increase your golf IQ fast with material that expertly outlines the key fundamental understandings of Ball Flight Laws in golf. The meticulously produced material is presented in the most advanced learning setting available today; Real Adaptive Learning. To achieve this, TrackMan has partnered with publisher giant McGRawHill's brainchild behind it; Area9 Learning. The Adaptive Learning Platform is an eLearning delivery system that adjusts to the needs of each learner. Adaptive Learning recreates the optimal teaching approach of a one-on-one personal tutor. This unique micro-adaptive learning approach uses proven, big data-driven algorithms to adjust in real-time to the unique needs of each learner. Using a teaching-by-asking (formative assessment) approach, Area9's system and TrackMan's content potentially cuts training time in half. Through our certification programs, you’ll build expert knowledge and develop critical skill sets needed for career advancement in golf today. Becoming TrackMan Certified will broaden your knowledge base, update your professional standing, and set you apart from the crowd. Download the app today and dive into the world of real adaptive (golf) learning.
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