1. Challenge yourself and your friends with world’s favorite card game - classic Solitaire.
2. The game of solitaire is always the answer! - Innovative blue color design for your best game experience!
3. Discover secret winning strategies we've revealed for you and enjoy core solitaire experience.
4. Spice up your day with world’s favorite classic Solitaire, for free.
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Spice up your day with world’s favorite classic Solitaire, for free. Enhance your mental skills, feel more relaxed and just have fun! Discover secret winning strategies we've revealed for you and enjoy core solitaire experience. Learn how to win Solitaire with less moves & more scores and become real Solitaire expert! No matter if you find yourself bored or restless. Maybe you are just searching for a nice activity to have fun or want to keep your mind busy. The game of solitaire is always the answer! Enjoy great features - classic Klondike gameplay - Innovative blue color design for your best game experience! - strategy guide (more than 25 tips and tricks) - smooth and efficient interface - timer and moves - statistics - perfect for the whole family Challenge yourself and your friends with world’s favorite card game - classic Solitaire. Exercise your mind, have fun & compete with yourself for your best high score!
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