Jim.Coach - Gym Workout Trainer

Android 用の Jim.Coach - Gym Workout Trainer

    発行者 Rinat Khanov に 2017-02-07

  • ライセンス: フリーウェア | 言語: 日本語 | 現在のバージョン: 1.0 | ファイルサイズ: 43.28 MB

  • ダウンロード リンク


1. We know from personal experience how it feels to use a phone during an intense workout, so we deliberately made the interface very simple and easy to use — huge buttons & no distracting elements.

2. If you don’t know how to perform a certain exercise, you can quickly look up step-by-step instructions and watch a short video.

3. The app already comes with a fixed workout routine, specifically designed to make the time you spend in the gym count — to make you stronger and healthier.

4. Follow simple exercise instructions and tell us how it went — easy, good, or hard.

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新着情報 Jim.Coach - Gym Workout Trainer v1.0

  • 発売日: 2017-02-07
  • 現在のバージョン: 1.0
  • ファイルサイズ: 43.28 MB
  • 開発者: Rinat Khanov
  • 互換性: iOSが必要です 10.0 以降 or Android KitKat 4.4, Lollipop 5.0, Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0, Oreo 8.0, Android P 9.0 or later

Gym workout app for normal people. You don’t have to be a professional bodybuilder and spend hours studying exercises. The app already comes with a fixed workout routine, specifically designed to make the time you spend in the gym count — to make you stronger and healthier. Follow simple exercise instructions and tell us how it went — easy, good, or hard. You don’t have to enter any numbers manually as in the gym log, simply leave a feedback by tapping a button after each set. As the app records your workout progress, difficulty levels (weights and reps) are updated automatically. You have other things to do in your life, we get it. That’s why you just do your best at performing offered exercises, while behind the scenes, the app intelligently picks next exercises based on your feedback and our program, which consists of three main workout types: 1. Chest & Triceps (bench press, dips, etc). 2. Back & Biceps (pull-ups, T-bar row, etc). 3. Legs & Shoulders (squats, Arnold press, etc). If you don’t know how to perform a certain exercise, you can quickly look up step-by-step instructions and watch a short video. Otherwise, choose an alternative exercise or simply skip it. We know from personal experience how it feels to use a phone during an intense workout, so we deliberately made the interface very simple and easy to use — huge buttons & no distracting elements. You don’t even need to open the app — our Today widget offers a quick shortcut to main features right on your lock screen.

のようなアプリ - Jim.Coach - Gym Workout Trainer

Rinat Khanov によるアンドロイドアプリ