1. Smokitten is the first mobile video game, created in partnership with tobacco cessation specialists, to help smokers kiss smoking goodbye!
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Smokitten - Quit Smoking ! があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
"Want to quit smoking but nothing seems to work? Want to beat your addiction without breaking a sweat? Try Smokitten! Smokitten is the first mobile video game, created in partnership with tobacco cessation specialists, to help smokers kiss smoking goodbye! Smokitten is very easy to use. You just have to pick up your phone instead of your fags when you feel strong urge to smoke. While playing you'll: - Unlock absorbing and/or relaxing mini-games for your adorable kitten; - Receive personalised support messages from your friends when you feel like you’re going to give in to temptation ; - Track your progress over time (number of cigarettes unsmoked, money saved…) and personalise your island with all sorts of plants and trees into the virtual shop ; - Receive motivating messages about your health improvement and your success ; - After 222 days without smoking cigarettes, you’ll be tobacco-free, and you’ll learn the secret behind your kitten’s island. You’ve probably already tried one of these methods to help you quit: e-cigarettes, nicotine replacements (patch, gum, lozenges, inhaler), medicine, alternative methods (hypnosis, acupuncture)… But none of them really worked for you? Why not try out a mobile game that was designed to help people let go of their tobacco addiction? ;-) A game developed in partnership with addiction experts and a whole community! This serious game has been developed in collaborration with Centre Hygee (Cancer Prevention Center) and the CIPRET Valais (an organisation specialising in addiction prevention) and a multi-disciplinary team of addictologists and smoking cessation specialists.
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