1. Play this challenging and relaxing Ball Smash puzzles and collect all the items on the road. TOTALLY FREE!
2. Ball Smash is the most exciting free puzzle game to play with your friends.
3. Easy gameplay: Smash all the energy cube on your path and Light up all over the dark maze.
4. Just Swipe up, down and left, right to roll your Neon Ball smashing through the maze as you splash all the map.
5. Complete the levels of each puzzle by covering every corridor and corner with beautifully bright neon light.
ダウンロード Neon Ball Smash! わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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Play this challenging and relaxing Ball Smash puzzles and collect all the items on the road. TOTALLY FREE! Easy gameplay: Smash all the energy cube on your path and Light up all over the dark maze. Just Swipe up, down and left, right to roll your Neon Ball smashing through the maze as you splash all the map. With these simple controls you will face multiple specially designed levels that will increase in difficulty. Complete the levels of each puzzle by covering every corridor and corner with beautifully bright neon light. It feels so satisfying, who doesn't love a clean coat of fresh light? Ball Smash is the most exciting free puzzle game to play with your friends. How many levels you can pass? Download to Roll and Smash Now! FEATURES - 100% FREE to play - Thousands of unique levels, you'll never get bored - Smooth and satisfying and relaxing ball smashing action. - Incredibly addictive, fun and relaxing to play - Colorful and blooming 3D neon graphics - Easy and intuitive controls for a satisfying smashing ball game - Compete with your friends to see who goes the furthest!
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