1. Battleship & Puzzles is a completely new RPG naval battle game with fresh experience, combing match-3 and naval battle features with thrilling PVP duels, and allowing you to forge a strong naval empire and dominate the naval battle.
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Battleship & Puzzles is a completely new RPG naval battle game with fresh experience, combing match-3 and naval battle features with thrilling PVP duels, and allowing you to forge a strong naval empire and dominate the naval battle. Make your strategy to match hundreds of warships, submarines and carriers, and build a powerful fleet to challenge other elite players worldwide. For the glory of the empire and guarding our waters, hurry up to join the battle NOW! Features: Battle: Send your fleet to launch destructive attack by making match-3 Build: Rebuild a powerful navy base and establish your naval empire Collect: Recruit hundreds of warships, submarines, carriers and naval commanders to build your fleet Upgrade: Upgrade your base and warships to boost your power and rule the seas PVP: Thrilling PVP duels with global players Official Facebook Address: https://www.facebook.com/Battleship-Puzzles-2327867914109493 Term of Use: https://sites.google.com/view/battleshippuzzle/terms
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