1. Climb Dash is a hyper-casual game where players can experience the utmost fun of climbing the most famous mountains of the world!
2. Easy to pick up and play, you only need to control the stickman to move right or left to aim at the clouds and climb to the peak.
ダウンロード Climb Dash わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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あなたがいったん見つけたら、 Climb Dash ファイルをクリックしてクリックすると、通常のインストールプロセスが開始されます。 何かを求められたら、 [はい] をタップします。 ただし、画面上のすべてのプロンプトを必ず読んでください。.
Climb Dash があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
Dear courageous climbers, welcome to the world of climbing! Climb Dash is a hyper-casual game where players can experience the utmost fun of climbing the most famous mountains of the world! Easy to pick up and play, you only need to control the stickman to move right or left to aim at the clouds and climb to the peak. Try to climb as high as you can! Let's challenge how many mountains you can conquer and how high you can climb! And be warned: this game is really addictive! [ Game Feature ] - Conquer famous mountains in the world! - Enjoy the Journey of Climbing! - Climb to the peak of the world! - Various tools & bonus Await You! - Level up to get stronger! [ Game Mode ] - Level Mode Multiple world-famous mountains are waiting you to conquer. - Endless Mode There is no height limitation in endless mode. Just climb as higher as possible. [ Ways To Equip Yourself ] Tool Shop - Sprint 100m - Auto grasp coins - Resist one damage - Increase charging speed Level of Your Character - Jump Height Make your character jump higher. - Dash Speed Make your character sprint faster. - Gravity relief Reduce the characters' gravity. - Gold bonus Increase the amount of gold collected in the level. [ Following Us ] Go directly to: http://stickman.163.com/ Find more entertaining games related to STICKMAN.
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