1. Killer Sudoku is a logic-based number puzzle game and the goal is to place 1 to 9 digit numbers into each grid cell so that each number can only appear once in each row, each column and each mini-grid.
2. Killer Sudoku the best puzzle game for your brain, logical thinking, memory, and A GOOD TIME KILLER!
3. Our free Sudoku puzzle app has intuitive interface, easy control, clear layout and well balanced difficulty levels for beginners and advanced players.
4. When you first open our Sudoku app, you see a guide tour teaching you how to play Sudoku and when you open the puzzle game app for the 100th time, you can see yourself a Sudoku master and a great Sudoku solver.
5. Sudoku Free Puzzle Game is a welcomed and addictive Brain Sudoku puzzle game on App Store.
ダウンロード Killer Sudoku - Brain Games わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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Killer Sudoku - Brain Games があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
Sudoku Free Puzzle Game is a welcomed and addictive Brain Sudoku puzzle game on App Store. You can download Sudoku free app for your iPhone. You get 5000+ challenging Sudoku puzzles everyday to one true solution. Killer Sudoku the best puzzle game for your brain, logical thinking, memory, and A GOOD TIME KILLER! Killer Sudoku is a logic-based number puzzle game and the goal is to place 1 to 9 digit numbers into each grid cell so that each number can only appear once in each row, each column and each mini-grid. With our Sudoku puzzle app, you can not only enjoy sudoku games anytime anywhere, but also learn Sudoku techniques from it. Key Features 1. Sudoku puzzles come in 4 difficulty levels - easy Sudoku, medium Sudoku, hard Sudoku and expert Sudoku! Perfect for Sudoku beginners and advanced players! 2. Daily Challenges - Complete Daily Challenges and collect trophies. 3. Pencil Mode - Turn on/ off pencil mode as you like. 4. Highlight Duplicates - to avoid repeating numbers in a row, column and block. 5. Intelligent Hints - guide you through the numbers when you get stuck 6. Themes - Choose the theme that makes it easier for your eyes. 7. Long press to fill quickly On this Brain Sudoku free app, you are also able to 1. Turn on/off sound effects 2. Turn on/off Highlight identical numbers 3. Auto remove notes from all columns, rows and blocks once the number is placed 4. Unlimited undo & redo 5. Auto-save - Pause the game and resume the game without losing any progress 6. Sudoku online & Sudoku offline You may also find the following Brain Sudoku features useful 1. You can share to your friends via Google+, Facebook, Twitter etc.. 2. Use dark mode to protect your eyes 3. Turn on/off timer when you play the sudoku puzzle 4. 100 new sudoku puzzles every week. 5. New types of Sudoku puzzles, like Killer sudoku, letter Sudoku, will be available. 6. Good gameplay 7. Intuitive interface 8. Easy tools, easy control 9. Clear layout Our free Sudoku puzzle app has intuitive interface, easy control, clear layout and well balanced difficulty levels for beginners and advanced players. It’s not only a good time killer but also helps you think, makes you more logical and have better memory. When you first open our Sudoku app, you see a guide tour teaching you how to play Sudoku and when you open the puzzle game app for the 100th time, you can see yourself a Sudoku master and a great Sudoku solver. You’d be able to play any web sudoku fast. Come to our Kingdom of Sudoku and keep your mind sharp. If you have any idea for our Sudoku puzzle game app, or if you have any question about Sudoku and you want to discuss with us, please send us emails at support@dailyinnovation.biz We are always here for you. EULA: https://www.learnings.ai/tos.html Privacy Policy: https://www.learnings.ai/pp.html
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