1. But unlike many connected fitness solutions, Active Arcade makes engaging with friends and family a quick and simple activity that can happen anytime, anyplace. 2-Player game modes get you and your friends playing side-by-side, or you can invite your friends to compete virtually and challenge each other for the top score on the leaderboard.
2. Like real sports activities, Active Arcade games are social by design and are about playing and moving with friends and family members.
3. Active Arcade is a fresh take on how to get active while having fun, just by playing a few simple games.
ダウンロード Active Arcade わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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をインストールする Active Arcade, サードパーティのアプリが現在インストールソースとして有効になっていることを確認する必要があります。 [メニュー]> [設定]> [セキュリティ]> []をクリックし、[不明なソース]をオンにして、Google Playストア以外のソースからアプリをインストールできるようにします。
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Active Arcade があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
Games that move you. Active Arcade is a fresh take on how to get active while having fun, just by playing a few simple games. It puts you inside the game and uses your natural body movement as the game controller. Interactive elements will make you feel like you're immersed in an entirely new type of arcade game. It's a whole new world of play. __ While we all want to be healthy, fitness today is expensive, rigorous, time-consuming, and intimidating. In short, “fitness” today is just too hard for many. Active Arcade is an entirely different approach. It’s a simple, natural way to get active just by playing fun games that use your body movement. Like the casual sports games that we play on the playground as kids, there is no better way to have fun and get your body moving than by playing and competing in physical games. Active Arcade is built for anyone to get moving with only their mobile device—no expensive equipment, no hardcore routines, no wearables. Even if just for a few minutes a day, moving through Active Arcade is both fun and good for you. Simply use your body to play fun physical games and activities, and get immersed in the gameplay. You won't even know you’re working up a sweat! Don't exercise. Just play. __ A NEW TYPE OF GAMEPLAY Your body is now a video game controller! Active Arcade uses advanced full-body motion tracking powered by AI, combined with gamification and augmented reality (AR) to make the experience fun for everyone. The camera will digitize your movement and power the gameplay in real-time. SIMPLE SETUP, PLAY ANYWHERE Active Arcade requires no special setup, wearables, or extra equipment. Just lean your iPhone or iPad against a stationary object like a chair, water bottle, or wall, and ensure the front-facing camera can see your full body. For an even more immersive living room experience, connect your device to a TV through AirPlay or HDMI connection. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Active Arcade is simple and accessible so that people of all ages and every ability level can engage. The games are easy to play and don't require advanced athletic skills. There are more casual games like Reaction that focus on hand-eye coordination, and more full-body games like Box Attack that use your athleticism. A wide variety of games are available for every player, with new games added regularly. FUN WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY Like real sports activities, Active Arcade games are about playing and moving with friends and family members. But unlike many connected fitness solutions, Active Arcade makes engaging with friends and family a quick and simple activity that can happen anytime, anyplace. 2-Player game modes get you and your friends playing side-by-side. CAPTURE AND SHARE YOUR BEST MOVES Like a built-in photo booth, you’ll get instant highlights from your time in Active Arcade that shows off your best moves and are fun to post on social media—complete with all the interactive elements included. Post your highlights on social media and challenge your friends to get active too! ENTIRELY FREE TO PLAY Active Arcade is free to play and contains no advertising, in-app purchases, or subscription model. It's an entirely free resource for the community and for everyone anywhere to play and engage. Share it with all your friends, family members, or anyone. Got any questions or feedback? Please shoot us an email at ios-support@activearcade.ai. We'd love to hear from you.
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