1. Help your kids settle down for the night and gently transition into sleep with Cool Koala Bedtime Meditations.
2. Ryan and Cool Koala teach important life skills while making your bedtime routine simple and quick.
3. Each night of the week is dedicated to a special theme to help your child learn to regulate their emotions and build their confidence.
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Help your kids settle down for the night and gently transition into sleep with Cool Koala Bedtime Meditations. Ryan and Cool Koala teach important life skills while making your bedtime routine simple and quick. Each night of the week is dedicated to a special theme to help your child learn to regulate their emotions and build their confidence. What they will learn: - Breathing techniques to reduce anxiety - Developing compassion - Reducing worries - Regulating anger and frustration - Relaxing the body - Developing gratitude - Increasing self-esteem So, change into pjs, brush your teeth and get cozy. It's time to start Cool Koala, because bedtime doesn't have to be a struggle!
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