1. The monsters have been trapped. - Which letters will come out of the mystery bag? 100% free to play with NO in app purchases. Play online or offline. Download today. Don't be scared. Seriously! It's for everyone!
2. Friendly story mode will guide you through 6 Spooktacular games while teaching about Halloween. - Hocus focus.
3. Can you guess which monster doesn't look quite right? - Flip and match the monster pairs. Sounds easy. or is it... - Now where could Count Dracula be hiding? - Oh dear.
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Spooktacular! Halloween is finally here. Celebrate by playing spooky and funny games especially made for everyone. Find the hiding vampire, spot the odd ghost, collect mysterious objects, and so much more. Friendly story mode will guide you through 6 Spooktacular games while teaching about Halloween. **GAME FEATURES** Witch's Potions - Help the witch by collecting ingredients for her magic spell Odd One Out - Hocus focus. Can you guess which monster doesn't look quite right? Match the Pairs - Flip and match the monster pairs. Sounds easy. or is it...muhahaha Hidden Objects - Now where could Count Dracula be hiding? Come out come out wherever you are Monster Trap - Oh dear. The monsters have been trapped. Use your super spelling skills and free everyone Mystery bag of Alphabets - Which letters will come out of the mystery bag? Nobody knows 100% free to play with NO in app purchases. Play online or offline. Download today. Don't be scared. Seriously! It's for everyone!
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