1. Robot Car Transformation is a powerful robot car simulator game in third person view, where you become a superhero to defeat the enemies who invade our world.
2. This robot transforming game characters have special real powers.
3. Are you excited to play robot car shooting game and futuristic car robot battle?
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Robot Car Transform Battle があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
Robot Car Transformation is a powerful robot car simulator game in third person view, where you become a superhero to defeat the enemies who invade our world. You can use dangerous laser beams from your robot eyes to kill enemies, crash them with power hands. The more alien robots you defeat, the less destruction for your home world. With exciting action-fighting robot car transforming, Robot Car Transformation brings a mix of multi cool robot transformation. Robot Car Transformation FEATURES: - Real car robot shooting games with a lot of robots and cars transforming to enjoy - Robot transforming game hero explore the strange futuristic robot wars with nice 3D graphic - Police limousine robot in visually stunning graphics, character and army vehicle models - Battle against gangster bike robots and robot crash fight in hours and smoothly - Robot car transformation with HD quality graphics in grand city - Character of robot games can equip and upgrade the weapons that you are using in gangster alien robot city Robot Car Transformation GAMEPLAY: - Mech Robot hero missions scattered to choose from - Move your Car Robot character with the help of joystick - Super Robot hero attack by tapping on the attack button - Survive till the last hero of robot war by killing anyone who comes in your way This robot transforming game characters have special real powers. Real time robots transform fight into battle mechs. You can shoot a rope hero to a building and climb over the building to the top. Robot hero is very powerful. Muscle robot car combos with flying jet car and special machine guns can help you protect the world. Are you excited to play robot car shooting game and futuristic car robot battle? Enjoy air jet robot car shooting skills in robot car shot animation, amazing graphics and animations. Get into the city battle of the new Robot Car Transformation and you will be surprised to play the exclusive version of the robot transforming game.
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