1. You can find all information you need using one search window including a bus number, a bus stop, a specific place, etc.
2. KakaoMap will provide useful information based on your current location including hot restaurants, keywords, spots, events, etc.
3. KakaoMap analyzes big data on visitors and provides information on a specific place by age, gender and day of the week.
ダウンロード KakaoMap - Korea No.1 Map わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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をインストールする KakaoMap - Korea No.1 Map, サードパーティのアプリが現在インストールソースとして有効になっていることを確認する必要があります。 [メニュー]> [設定]> [セキュリティ]> []をクリックし、[不明なソース]をオンにして、Google Playストア以外のソースからアプリをインストールできるようにします。
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あなたがいったん見つけたら、 KakaoMap - Korea No.1 Map ファイルをクリックしてクリックすると、通常のインストールプロセスが開始されます。 何かを求められたら、 [はい] をタップします。 ただし、画面上のすべてのプロンプトを必ず読んでください。.
KakaoMap - Korea No.1 Map があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
KakaoMap will show you the fastest routes in Korea! With KakaoMap, you can find everything you want in a map app, from directions to hot restaurants and local attractions, and more! ► You need to find the fastest route? [Fastest and most accurate map] You will get the latest information updated within 24 hours for cars, public transportation, walking and bicycle. [Navigation system included] No need to install a separate navigation app. When you search for a route, KakaoMap will give you navigation directions right away. [Comprehensive search within one search window] You can find all information you need using one search window including a bus number, a bus stop, a specific place, etc. ► When you need local information [Recommendation just for you] KakaoMap will provide useful information based on your current location including hot restaurants, keywords, spots, events, etc. [Search areas on the map] You can see search results right away by using the "Re-search this area" feature on the map. [Places suggested by data] KakaoMap analyzes big data on visitors and provides information on a specific place by age, gender and day of the week. ► Need more systematic maps? [Favorites organized by group] You can manage Favorites by group and indicate them on the map. Folders can also be followed and shared. [Road View] After searching for a route, you can see the place you plan to visit in advance using the Roa View feature. [Realistic 3D Map] We provide a more realistic vector-based map which can be rotated or tilted 360 degrees. It looks very real! [Real 3D Sky View] When you want to search a three-dimentional map, you can use 3D Sky View. ► Other convenient features - Favorite places shown on the map - Real-time bus information to help you reduce wait time - Real-time traffic information to help you find fastest routes - Convenient and accurate subway map - You can let your loved ones know where you are by using location sharing - Hyper Accurate Bus services for Busan, Chuncheon, Mokpo, Ulsan, Jeju and Gwangju ► KakaoMap shares data with Health Application(Workouts, cycling distance, active energy burned) when using bike navigation. ► KakaoMap loves to hear your suggestions. ► Questions & Feedback - maps@kakaocorp.com - Kakao Customer Service Homepage (http://www.kakao.com/requests?locale=ko&service=59) - Customer Service: 1577-3321 - Developer: 1577-3754 —— ► Information about permission accessed [Optional permissions] - Location : To search nearby places and show directions using the current location info. - Mic : Voice Search - Camera : To review and report places, and to take photos for profile setting - Photos : To review and report places, and to attach photos for profile setting - Notification : Receive Arrival/Location-Sharing/Recommendation Alarms and Important Notices * You can still use the service even if you don't give the above permissions.
行きたいところを住所や名前で検索出来て、地図上に目印を付けられるし、それを友達と共有できるのもすごく良いです!韓国で地下鉄の乗り換えを調べる時にも大活躍しています。 至れり尽くせりのアプリだと思います( •̀∀•́ )✧
현재위치가 안 나온다
다시 작동해도 안 나와서 불편하다ㅠ
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