1. Stay ahead of storms with notifications alerting you as storms approach your saved locations, and watch the weather system with our satellite and weather radar maps. - Detailed weather forecasts including current observations and temperatures, short term (36 hours), long term (14 days) and hourly forecasts. - Severe weather and storm alerts to notify you when a storm is heading your way. - Siri Shortcuts (iOS 12 and higher): Use the app as you normally would and Siri will learn and suggest your frequently used weather features (e. g. detailed forecast, current radar map, etc.
ダウンロード The Weather Network for iPad わずか4ステップでapk: ↲
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をインストールする The Weather Network for iPad, サードパーティのアプリが現在インストールソースとして有効になっていることを確認する必要があります。 [メニュー]> [設定]> [セキュリティ]> []をクリックし、[不明なソース]をオンにして、Google Playストア以外のソースからアプリをインストールできるようにします。
あなたは今見つける必要があるでしょう The Weather Network for iPad ダウンロードしたファイル.
あなたがいったん見つけたら、 The Weather Network for iPad ファイルをクリックしてクリックすると、通常のインストールプロセスが開始されます。 何かを求められたら、 [はい] をタップします。 ただし、画面上のすべてのプロンプトを必ず読んでください。.
The Weather Network for iPad があなたの携帯にインストールされました。 楽しむ!
Best of 2018, Top Free Apps Accurate and easy-to-use, you’ll always have the weather forecast at your fingertips with access to the most in-depth weather news and video. Stay ahead of storms with notifications alerting you as storms approach your saved locations, and watch the weather system with our satellite and weather radar maps. Key features: - Detailed weather forecasts including current observations and temperatures, short term (36 hours), long term (14 days) and hourly forecasts. These forecasts are updated every 15 minutes to ensure accuracy and reliability - Air quality and UV reports - Severe weather and storm alerts to notify you when a storm is heading your way. Users will see a red alert banner on the affected cities and regions and can click-thru for more info - Weather notifications for your individual North American locations - Radar layer on maps showcasing past and future timestamps - Precipitation start and stop times within a 10-minute window - Follow-me functionality, automatically detecting the forecast within 1 km of your location - Available in English and French, based on your device’s settings - Siri Shortcuts (iOS 12 and higher): Use the app as you normally would and Siri will learn and suggest your frequently used weather features (e.g. detailed forecast, current radar map, etc.) over time - These can be tuned from the device’s settings: Settings > Siri & Search > All Shortcuts Privacy Policy: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/about-us/privacy-policy Tips: - Access weather forecasts, yesterday’s high & low temperature, wind speed & direction, humidity, cloud ceiling, visibility, sunrise & sunset times, news, videos and maps, all at a glance - The gear icon on the top left provides simple access to Public Weather Warning settings, app settings and FAQs - Add a location by tapping the city name at the top, center of your screen from the overview screen - Tap on any of the at-a-glance modules to access more details - To get the optimal experience with our weather radar maps, tap and pinch to explore We’d love to hear from you! Please send feedback to feedbackapp@pelmorex.com. You can also visit our website at www.theweathernetwork.com, follow us on Facebook: theweathernetworkCAN or Twitter: @weathernetwork The Weather Network – Your Weather When It Really Matters TM
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