1. Learn using expert-created videos, interactive exercises, and in-depth articles in math (arithmetic, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra), science (biology, chemistry, physics), economics (microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance and capital markets), humanities (art history, civics, finance, US history, US government and politics, world history), and more (including computer science principles)!
2. Whether you're a student, teacher, homeschooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien trying to get a leg up in earthly biology — Khan Academy's personalized learning library is available to you, for free. - Learn anything, for free: Thousands of interactive exercises, videos, and articles at your fingertips.
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You can learn anything. For free. Spend an afternoon brushing up on statistics. Discover how the Krebs cycle works. Get a head start on next semester's geometry. Prepare for upcoming exams. Or, if you're feeling particularly adventurous, learn how fire-stick farming changes the landscape of Australia. Whether you're a student, teacher, homeschooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien trying to get a leg up in earthly biology — Khan Academy's personalized learning library is available to you, for free. - Learn anything, for free: Thousands of interactive exercises, videos, and articles at your fingertips. Study math, science, economics, finance, grammar, history, government, politics, and much, much more. - Sharpen your skills: Practice exercises, quizzes, and tests with instant feedback and step-by-step hints. Follow along with what you're learning in school, or practice at your own pace. - Keep learning when you're offline: Bookmark and download your favorite content to watch videos without an internet connection. - Pick up where you left off: Tailored to your current learning level, our mastery system gives instant feedback and recommendations on exactly which skills and videos to try next. And, if you choose to create a free account, your learning syncs with http://khanacademy.org, so your progress is always up-to-date across all your devices. Learn using expert-created videos, interactive exercises, and in-depth articles in math (arithmetic, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra), science (biology, chemistry, physics), economics (microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance and capital markets), humanities (art history, civics, finance, US history, US government and politics, world history), and more (including computer science principles)! Already familiar with the Khan Academy website? Not all functionality is available in this app. Community discussions, computer programming content, test prep, parent tools, teacher tools, and district tools should all be accessed directly at http://khanacademy.org. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
Great App!
I learned a lot from this app. I especially loved the Chemistry and Physics course.
To whom it may concern, I’m pretty impressive your app. It is nice to learn many subjects at home. Just one thing I would like to know is language option. It seems that there is no Japanese language setting yet. Do you have any plan to update for Japanese language? I would like to use this app with my kids. Thank you,
This app is nice but...
This app is free and I’m enjoying to use. However, it’s so annoying that we cannot reset unit test. Sometimes I make mistake and I have to start again and it makes me very angry.... I hope customer support team tell to engineers and change it.
Nice app with high quality contents. It may be better if users can take notes or highlight some of the words or sentences.
Duolingo-英語/韓国語などのリスニングや英単語の練習 4.54793
Studyplus(スタディプラス) 日々の学習管理に 4.7461
ごっこランド 子供ゲーム・幼児と子供の知育アプリ 4.41275
英語勉強アプリmikan-TOEIC/英検®/英会話/英単語 4.75044
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タッチ!あそベビー 4.12181
Khan Academy 4.69057
Khan Academy Kids 4.82799