Aimsir - The Weather in Irish

Android 用の Aimsir - The Weather in Irish


1. Aimsir (pronounced 'am-sher', the Irish word for 'weather') uses data from OpenWeatherMap to give accurate and detailed current and five day forecasts for your present location.

2. Aimsir is a weather app that gives detailed spoken and written forecasts in the Irish language.

3. On the "Timpeall an Domhain" (Around the World) screen, you can click on any location on the planet and the current weather will be displayed - in Irish.

4. In addition to providing weather information, the aim of the app is to present the user with as wide range of much Irish language vocabulary as possible.

5. Aimsir includes a detailed glossary section where all of the words and phrases used are spoken in Irish and also translated into English.

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新着情報 Aimsir - The Weather in Irish v2.0.2

  • 発売日: 2020-09-07
  • 現在のバージョン: 2.0.2
  • ファイルサイズ: 33.80 MB
  • 開発者: Moonswing
  • 互換性: iOSが必要です 9.3 以降 or Android KitKat 4.4, Lollipop 5.0, Marshmallow 6.0, Nougat 7.0, Oreo 8.0, Android P 9.0 or later

Aimsir is a weather app that gives detailed spoken and written forecasts in the Irish language. It lets you know what the weather's going to be like where you are, and also shows you what the weather's like right now in any part of the world. With audio added, you can hear the current forecast for your location and all of the Glossary phrases in beautiful spoken Irish. Aimsir (pronounced 'am-sher', the Irish word for 'weather') uses data from OpenWeatherMap to give accurate and detailed current and five day forecasts for your present location. Aimsir's forecasts also provide information on wind strength and direction, atmospheric pressure, cloud cover and humidity. On the "Timpeall an Domhain" (Around the World) screen, you can click on any location on the planet and the current weather will be displayed - in Irish. You can also share this forecast on Social Media. The "Tíortha an Domhain" (Countries of the World) screen lists the name of each country - and its capital city - in the Irish Language. Selecting a particular country will display it on a map and also show the present weather conditions in the capital city. In addition to providing weather information, the aim of the app is to present the user with as wide range of much Irish language vocabulary as possible. Aimsir includes a detailed glossary section where all of the words and phrases used are spoken in Irish and also translated into English. There are also useful tools that allow you select numbers and dates and hear them spoken - as well as seeing them written - in Irish. Aimsir is the perfect tool to brush up your Irish language skills or maybe just learn a few words. 'Bain Triail As!' (Give it a try!).

のようなアプリ - Aimsir - The Weather in Irish

Moonswing によるアンドロイドアプリ