1. Holafly offers prepaid eSIM cards with Unlimited Data coverage in over 200 destinations, including Europe, Mexico, China, Turkey, Japan, and the USA.
2. Holafly is your go-to international prepaid eSIM provider, offering Unlimited Data with quick, easy connectivity.
3. Stay connected wherever you go with Holafly's eSIM cards and enjoy Unlimited Data plans worldwide.
4. An eSIM card provides mobile data like a regular SIM card but is digital and international, eliminating expensive roaming fees.
5. Enjoy fast, reliable Internet access during your international travels in over 200 destinations, with multiple plan options, with unlimited and limited data, that can be adapted to the days of your trip.
6. Track your eSIM data usage, activation, and expiration dates through the app of one or multiple eSIMs.
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Holafly is your best travel companion. Stay connected wherever you go with Holafly's eSIM cards and enjoy Unlimited Data plans worldwide. What is an eSIM card? An eSIM card provides mobile data like a regular SIM card but is digital and international, eliminating expensive roaming fees. You can use an eSIM alongside your local SIM card to receive FaceTime calls, iMessages or WhatsApp messages with your regular number. Why Choose Holafly? Holafly is your go-to international prepaid eSIM provider, offering Unlimited Data with quick, easy connectivity. With Holafly’s eSIM, you get: Connection Anywhere, Anytime Enjoy fast, reliable Internet access during your international travels in over 200 destinations, with multiple plan options, with unlimited and limited data, that can be adapted to the days of your trip. Connect to the internet within minutes and enhance your travel experience. Cost-Effective Connectivity Travel without the fear of extra expenses. Holafly offers prepaid eSIM cards with Unlimited Data coverage in over 200 destinations, including Europe, Mexico, China, Turkey, Japan, and the USA. You can also purchase limited data plans for other destinations and top-ups for extra data. Easy Installation & Activation Purchase your eSIM through the Holafly App with Apple Pay, Credit card or PayPal. Receive your eSIM in your email within just seconds. Install your eSIM seamlessly through the Holaly App with the help of our guides, videos, and offline content. The eSIM data will only start to be consumed once at your destination. Data Plan Insights Track your eSIM data usage, activation, and expiration dates through the app of one or multiple eSIMs. Top-up your eSIMs anytime you need extra data. Universal Compatibility Holafly's eSIM is compatible with all iPhones with technology-enabled eSIM (from iPhone XS, XR onwards). Check our compatibility guide for details. How to Buy an eSIM? Choose Your Plan Download the app and choose your destination, select a plan according to your travel schedule, and continue to checkout (you can save your payment information for later purchases). You’ll receive your eSIM via email in seconds and can log in to the app to manage and set up your card. Set Up Your eSIM Install and activate your eSIM through the app. Log in using your email or your Apple account (make sure it matches the one you used for purchase). For iOS 17.4+ users, enjoy one-button installation. Alternatively, use QR or manual codes for setup, you can find step-by-step guides in our app; they are also sent by email. Activate Your Data Once you finish installing your eSIM, activate data roaming. Data will only start consuming once at your destination. Track data usage in real-time within the app of all your available eSIMs. That’s it! Start enjoying internet connectivity for all your trips. 24/7 Support Need help? Contact our multilingual support team anytime inside the app with one button. We’re here to assist with the eSIM setup and any other questions. Embark on your adventures with Holafly – made with love by people who love to travel. Stay connected worldwide—download the Holafly App now!
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